Whassup!! I'm using the bookshop computer whisch you have to pay 2.20 per hour so every word typed here is precious! Now its 12.35 pm in the afternoon, just had an ok luch that spilled curry on my tie. Some one my shirt as well but only a bit. Most of the damage done by the flying missiles of organic compounds in an aqueos solution was dealt to my tie. Luckily I was wearing my cheapest tie, the college tie that was given FOC on the first day of registration. I hate that tie but I had nothing to match the cream coloured Orlando shirt I' wearing. Wait a minute? what was I doing with a cream coloured shirt in the canteen? This is the so called "rule" where everyone has to dress formally for all classes. What the hell.... More washing to do.
Anyway, I won't be able to blog often due to the workload, in fact most of us,(the Chinese and Cinas) study like there is no tommorrow. Studying from 8 to 10.30 at night, untill the library closes. Its stupid though. I never studied that much in my whole life.
Right now I have a break as my other classmates are having agama classes. If you noticed, I said classmates and not friends. This is because I don't even know more than 2 people in the class, despite 1 week of lectures. My current plan is unlike the HELP plan, which is to make as many friends possible and prepare for Form 6. The new plan is like a rescue mission. Go in, take the target, and get out ASAP. No making friends, studying long hours alone, get the perfect score of 4.00 (4 A's) and get out. At present I have 45.5 weeks before this hellish jungle survival/rescue mission ends.
The system here is so called ala' University, except that tutorial calsses are the same for all subjects, a bit like what I had at HELP. The only exception is that the people are super childish, like convicts who just came out of jail. And another thing that is so called ala' unversity but not is that coupling is against the rules. WTF how closed minded can they get? I mean not that there are any hot chinese girls here (70% wear baju kurung) , but it reflects how conservative and closed minded they can get. And these are the people in charge of OUR education system. They go around telling us what is wrong in their eyes, what is wrong for them, but fail to see that there are people that know what is right and wrong for ourselves. Just because we have a privilage does not mean that we must use it, as given in my example. There are absolutely NO hot chinese girls here. But I feel insulted if people tell me what to do and what not.
Speaking of hot chinese girls, I remember what Andrew said that day at Shu's farewell. He said : " Wait you're in Johor right? Now I know why you took matrik. I bet cause you're closer to Sam now right?" and then he gave me that 'go now! she's right there!' look. Of course I was initially shocked at the response, but somehow I followed my stomach instead of my balls, and headed for dessert. Well technically I am geographically closer by 171 km, but then you see I still have to handle the Singaporean Coast Guard, because I don't have my passport now. And technically I would love to visit her (Of course I would), but the total time taken for the trip there would mean that there is a 90% chance that I will miss the curfew of the college.
But just to clear things up, I did NOT chose where I was sent to. The jabatan will chose a place based on availability, (or corruption) and just send us there.
Well by right now that I've realised that this place was not designed for people like me, but for people that are from the kampungs, don'y know nothing about the world around them and don;t even know whats the difference between chips in fish and chips and chips in potato chips, can't pronounce grand prix, and you know....
Its more like an orientation programme for the real world. They get to learn what a shower is like, and how to live without a well, how to shit in a toilet instead of a river. They learn what is a spoon and fork, but those guys are a bit slow in taking to the cutlery and prefer to mess their hands. Maybe it tastes better....
They find it cool to brush their teeth in the afternoon, whish I am completely bewildered by that fact. Never mind the guy who washes his feet the same time I brush my teeth, and no.... He does't wash feet on the floor.... Noo.... his feet are soo clean that he has to go wash them in the sink.
They pray almost an hour a day, although I'm quite fine with that. The general rule is I don't kacau engkau, engkau tak kacau I.
But most terrible of all, the teacher teaches in BM. WTF!! BM!! when the subject is in English!! And even despite that I still see some kids that look so blur, I can't even see me fingers in front of me. Aye capt'n, where's the compasssss. I need to see that strange blue thing rite in front of me.... Looks like a gas tank... What's that doin on a ship like mine... Arrr....
By the way I was reffering to the fire extinguisher. Yes thats right. The teacher actually gloated and told the students during orientaion day, " Eh pelajar baru, tahu tak tangki gas biru di dinding itu adalah pemadam api, bukan tong gas ya... So jangan bawa you punya kuali datng sini ya..."
Also I overheard from the next room during my Bio class. There was an English class going on and guess what the teacher was saying. "OK class, what is the word for father and mother?" Then the class fell silent. And then the teacher answered her own question and said, "Your father and mother are your parents, OK, now what is the word for two siblings born at the same time"
Well no marks for guessing what happened next, the process repeated itself several times, making me grateful that I was having Bio at that time.
Oh no ! 1 hour is up! There goes another 2.20.
Ciao guys
till next time
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